Video-based Training

The benefits of video based training:

The training kit is on site and always accessible
Material can be reviewed as needed
Becomes a reference tool
Money saver - no need to hire professional trainers
When combined with our online TNA, testing and evaluation services this training method comes truly into its own

Fully automated training delivery
Minimum cost, maximum flexibility and efficiency
Easy performance review allows for early intervention, even during the course administration

We develop training materials in all topics in which we deliver instructor-led courses

PowerPoint screen video
We are developing a core library of these instructional videos
Others can be developed at competitive rates on request
[IE5+]: Cross-currency Interest Rate Swaps

Excel screen video
We are developing a core library of these instructional videos
Others can be developed at competitive rates on request
[swf]: Excel Functions for Finance

Any client buying our video-based training services are entitled to free:

1. Online training needs analysis
2. Online pre-course testing
3. Online post-course testing
4. Online course evaluation

Instructor-led Training (ILT)

Instructor-led training usually involves a single trainer, although it is sometimes desirable to use two or more trainers for specific courses.

When more than one trainer is involved, one always acts as course director, to ensure that the course curriculum is consolidated.

Some of the greatest benefits of instructor-led training are:

Flexibility: it can be adjusted to address specific concerns and/or participants
Interact with other participants and instructor
Variety of instructional techniques and learning activities can be used
Training can allow for more personalisation to needs of a small group

The instructor is the most important part of ILT. Before you pay for training, ask to see the instructor's resume and to speak to him or her.

We would be happy to set up interviews between you and our trainers.

A good trainer has equal parts technical and public-speaking expertise.

Communication skills are at the top of our list of requirements for trainers; someone who knows a lot but can't explain anything is just as ineffective as a great speaker who doesn't know anything.

If required, we can build a curriculum around a trainer, where multiple learning media are introduced (see Training Methods at this link), while always making sure the trainer is close at hand to offer participants assistance of a coaching/mentoring nature

Any client buying our instructor-led training services are entitled to free:

1. Online training needs analysis
2. Online pre-course testing
3. Online post-course testing
4. Online course evaluation
